So we got there friday night. Can I just say the drive was a lot like the one to Vernal? Becky and Brant were like, "Uhm... so there's basically an hour of nothingness. I hope you don't mind." I'm totally used to that! Anyway, when we got there we unpacked, watched The Last Song, slept. That's not the interesting part. Obviously... haha.
Saturday "morning" (...Rach and I kinda slept in.) we went to...
Horshoe Bend!
Ooooh it was pretty epic! Rach kept being crazy and sitting on the edge of the cliff/rocks. I was seriously scared for her life! She's like "Oh, I'm pretty sure if I fell I wouldn't die. I'd just break a few bones is all." Looking down, I think you'd agree with me in saying she'd die. At least Becky and Sherry did. Well, eventually I joined her...
I feel like my mom will see this and freak... cuz when I was five I remember going to little ditches and my parents spazzing out when I got even within 20 feet of it (Don't worry, Mom! I promise I'm not as crazy as I look!). We took about a billion pictures. It was so super fun! After that we went and ate, passed a little fair (Sherry was SO EXCITED. Apparently they don't have those in China :), dropped Becky's little sister - Karyn - off at dance lessons, bought... postcards (!) at good o' Wally-World, after that we went to the Denny's Lookout and took even more pictures. It was SO pretty.
After that we went to the dam. Ooooh goodness guys, we told so many "dam jokes" I was laughing every five seconds. "Dam cops", "Dam bridge" "Dam workers!" Our favorite?
Don't ask me why. Haha. Anyway, we took a tour of the visitor center... I found out the good o' hometown dam of Flaming Gorge Utah is the 8th highest dam in the United States. I also found out Rachael's dam IQ is 82. These are good things to know about one's roommate!
After telling a series more of most excellent dam jokes, we took the drive to Lake Powell! I was super excited cuz I'd never been there before! The water was way colder than expected, even though it should be, it is November afterall.
The best part of the day? The Balloon Regatta! K, so what it is is they line up a bunch of hot air balloons at night, blow them up, wait til it's dark, then throw hot air in them.
Which causes them to...
GLOW! Oooooh. It was like giant multicolored christmas lights! I can't even begin to explain how awesome of a sight it was to see. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I just loved it!!
It's not like I could take any really good pictures of it, cuz it was dark, but here's one of my [many] attempts:
That's four of them. Imagine twenty-five. I'm super grateful and incredibly to have the most amazing roommates in the world. We had such a great time! Becky and Brant are pretty much Page celebrities! Sherry- oh goodness. I love that girl! I found out she's a Harry Potter fan, which takes me out of a slight depression because none of my roommates even LIKE Harry Potter. And I kinda love it. A lot. 11 more days!Oh did I mention Rachael Bailey is the best roommate ever? Cuz she is.
Okay, and I kinda had this nerdy excitement that we were in Arizona during daylight savings time change. Guess what? Arizona doesn't HAVE daylight savings time! That's right. We changed time zones, then never changed back. ... Just an hour of my life I'll never get back. Okay, honestly, it's not that exciting but I still was super excited about it. haha.
Well, I'm thinkin it's time to get some sleep for once! Thanks Becky for the amazing weekend at your little hometown. It was an amazing adventure I'll never forget. :)
Jade C=